Hi, I’m Lyssie and I like warm hugs 🙂
I love traveling! It all started in 2014 when I applied as a Language and Culture Assistant in Spain to teach English as a second language at a local Spanish school. The Spanish government placed me in the small village of Olvera, in the province of Cádiz in Andalucía (southern Spain, known for its olive trees, sunny and mild climate, and beautiful beaches) for the 2014-2015 school year. Thus began my 9-month European journey that opened my eyes and my heart forever.

I’m an 18-year-old in the body of a 30-ish year old from New Jersey. I love fairy tales, princesses, big dreams, and happy endings. I believe in miracles – if you work hard to make them happen. And I believe that anyone can do anything they set their minds to.

I studied mathematics at Rutgers University and worked in marketing and statistical analysis at a New Jersey car and medical insurance company for 5 years before joining the Auxiliares en España program. I never taught before, but my job was to teach the Spanish students to learn English through communicating with them. What I got in return was so much more than I could have ever dreamed; it was the experience of a lifetime. I hope to share my travel and teaching experiences with others through this blog to encourage YOU to leave your comfort zone and do something amazing.

This vibrant and new blog focuses on the positive aspects of travel as I share my story across four continents (and counting). As an experienced traveler, you can expect me to feature all the best places to see and best things to do as well as a large range of unique experiences. My goal with this blog is to inspire others to step outside their comfort zone and take a leap of faith into the world. I guarantee you will come out a better person. I hope my stories inspire YOU to let go of your fears and see the world.

Feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, or requests by leaving me a comment, sending me an email at lyssie@shewenttospain.com, or connecting with me on other social media platforms. I’d love to follow you back and keep in touch with you!
Facebook: facebook.com/shewenttospain
Instagram: instagram.com/shewenttospain
Twitter: twitter.com/shewenttospain
Pinterest: pinterest.com/shewenttospain
Google+: plus.google.com/+SheWentToSpain
Flipboard: flipboard.com/@shewenttospain
Bloglovin: bloglovin.com/@shewenttospain
I noticed in your Osuna entry that you got in contact with two auxiliares when you were there. Well, I was just placed there and am wondering if you still have their information? Haha sorry if this is a weird thing to ask but I am just looking for opinions on housing.
Thank you in advance!
Hi! Oh you will love Osuna, it is wonderful!!! Yes I am still in touch with them. If you like I can pass on your email address? They would be happy to reach out and help!
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Trina Shick
Good to see a fellow New Jerseyan teaching abroad and blogging about it! I’m hoping to come to Europe to teach next year and Spain is high on my list. Any advice on how to apply for jobs?
Awesome, New Jersey is so small (relatively speaking) that we must be neighbors! Spain is an AMAZING place to teach English and I highly recommend it. The program is wonderful because you don’t have your own class, you’re just an assistant in classes and they want you to only speak English (although they’ll teach you Spanish in the teacher’s room). The people are wonderful, the country is beautiful, the culture is perfectly unique, and there are a million airports or train stations close to everywhere so you can easily travel. I highly recommend it! I’m considering going back next year as well because I loved it so much even though it would probably be a professionally bad idea.
The application period for teaching English in Spain opens between November and January and you want to check the site regularly to apply on the first day. If you apply the morning it opens, you will pretty much be guaranteed your first preferred region (I recommend Andalucia). There are about 1000 people who apply the first day, so the sooner the better. The site is: http://www.mecd.gob.es/eeuu/convocatorias-programas/convocatorias-eeuu/auxiliares-conversacion-eeuu.html
I also have some top secret tips I can’t post so if you want to discuss those, feel free to email me! lyssie@shewenttospain.com
I hope I helped sway you in the direction of Spain, in my opinion it’s the only place to be!