I have seen lots of colors during my travels. Marrakech is known as the Red City, Dublin is full of a thousands greens. Here’s my list of 50 shades of blue in travel.
Inspiring others to see the world
Wouldn’t it be great if everyone could be a travel expert? Do all the right things all the time? No one wants to intentionally be disrespectful, rude, or offensive, but sometimes we make mistakes. I’ve compiled a list of travel faux pas during my travels to share with you so you can go into your next trip prepared!
It’s no secret that I’m a beach person. I’m a sucker for a good beach! The beach is a place where the sun can melt stress and the ocean washes troubles away. I’m a firm believer that sun and salt water are a cure for all that ails you. So it makes sense that choosing Read More…
Lately, I’ve been leaning towards posting cityscapes or faraway views on my Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook pages, so I started thinking: How many pictures do I have of cities from above or afar? In most of my travels, I get sucked in by the tallest spot in town and have to climb it to get Read More…
I can’t do a worst travel moments post without doing a best travel moments post! So maybe we had a few rough patches while traveling Europe in 2015, but the good times definitely outweighed the bad. 1. Seeing the Northern Lights and the Blue Lagoon in Iceland This has been on my bucket list forever Read More…
As 2015 came to an end, I kept seeing the #2015bestnine on Instagram and spent quite some time trying to figure out how to get my best nine. I decided to post about my nine worst travel moments of 2015. I wish travel could be all flowers and rainbows all the time, but it’s just not Read More…
With the end of the year approaching, you probably have some vacation days saved up at work. Maybe you’re thinking of going away for the holidays, or maybe just to enrich yourself. Let me help you out before you start planning and spending your money and tell you that it’s just a bad idea. Traveling Read More…
Today, someone said to me: “Tell me something interesting about yourself.” The first thing that came to my mind was, “I’m just an average girl doing average things that make me happy, with not much special about myself.” Living in Spain I guess some people might think moving to a small white village on top of Read More…